4 level tablespoonfuls of butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 3/4 a cup of milk.
Two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one and three−quarter cups of sifted flour or enough to make mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Bake in buttered gem pans in moderately hot oven twenty−three or twenty−five minutes. If the cake springs back after pressing a finger on the top, it shows that it is baked enough. To make a cocoa cottage pudding add to the above rule six level tablespoonfuls of cocoa. Serve with a vanilla sauce.
Two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one and three−quarter cups of sifted flour or enough to make mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Bake in buttered gem pans in moderately hot oven twenty−three or twenty−five minutes. If the cake springs back after pressing a finger on the top, it shows that it is baked enough. To make a cocoa cottage pudding add to the above rule six level tablespoonfuls of cocoa. Serve with a vanilla sauce.
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