1/2 a cup of butter, 3/4 a cup of milk, 1 cup of sugar, 6 level tablespoonfuls of Baker's Cocoa, 3 eggs, 2 level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 1−1/2 or 2 cups of sifted pastry flour.

Cream the butter, stir in the sugar gradually, add the unbeaten eggs, and beat all together until very creamy. Sift together one−half cup of the flour, the cocoa and baking powder; use this flour first, then alternate the milk and remaining flour, using enough to make mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon; add vanilla and beat until very smooth; then bake in loaf inmoderately hot oven thirty−five or forty minutes.
Tests for baking cake. It is baked enough when: 1. It shrinks from the pan. 2. Touching it on the top, springs back. 3. No singing sound.

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