Cold Japanese-Style Noodles


1 x steamed shrimp
1 x julienned raw carrots
1 x steamed (barely) spinach leaves
1 x julienned shiitake mushrooms (the dry ones, softened in hot water)
1 x julienned tamago (Japanese “omelet”)
1 x julienned nori (Japanese seaweed, in sheets)
1 x finely chopped or slivered scallions


* Beat eggs and cook a thin layer on an oiled skillet, then slice.
* Boils some thin noodles – either wheat or rice – and cool them down. Chill the above ingredients.
* Any of the above can be omitted, and of course you can add other good things to taste.
* Makes a dipping sauce out of soy sauce and lemon juice.
* Finally, put a bunch of ice cubes in the bottom of a big serving bowl, and dumps the noodles over them. Adds enough water to immerse the noodles, and puts everything on the table. The dipping sauce goes in little individual bowls, and each person gets a large bowl to eat out of. We usually help ourselves to noodles with our bare hands, because the ice water and the icy noodles feel so good on a hot evening. All the various good things are in separate dishes all over the table, making it very attractive to the eye, and each of us fixes up a bowl of noodles with his/her favorites in the desired amounts. A multi sensory meal, and a good one.

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